Italweber has always kept flying the flag of
excellent quality l. For more than 40 years we have been operating following the most pressing standards regarding quality. During the years we followed the constant changing of this concept, turned from simple "quality of product" into "total quality management". The ISO 9000 certification, obtained in 1999, signed a fundamental stage as acknowledgement of our job. In 2003 a big effort was made for the implementation of a new internal organization, more flexible and updated, based on the concept of progress. Those efforts led in the same year to the achievement of the
UNI EN ISO 9001:2000 certification.
Nowadays, the
attention to the customers' needs and his satisfaction is at the centre of every activity of the company. With the specific aim to supply products and services completely suitable for each single requirement and need of ourcustomers. First of all a qualitative product, but also high-speed deliveries, wide availability of the material on stock, yearly updated catalogues, a daily support that offers solution and answers to every question or inquiry and particular attention at the removal of mistakes, seen are real "hidden costs".
We are greatly convinced that our current position as leaders in the market of fuses and components for the electrical protection in Italy is due to the ability of our team in
creating with the customer a relationship based on mutual competence and reliability. We do believe kindness and qualification to be two fundamental and basic principles.
And in case of mistakes, please do not hesitate to contact us…your recommendations will be the starting point for further improvements. Thank you.
Logistics is going more and more important in our market; to manage immediately more than 5.000 items could look like a challenge really hard to win; however with organization and use of technology this goal becomes less onerous.
The availability of wide spaces with modern equipments and the use of automatic packaging fixtures regulated by barcodes, allows us to respond as quick as possible to the customer's needs.
The yearly delivery of more than 50.000.000 items with a percentage of imperfection close to 0.00%, the average of 1.85 days needed to deliver orders, the acquisition of orders through Metel software, the availability of technical and commercial information directly on the web site, the possibility to offer customized packing, together with the reduction of the quantity of non-conformity in production and delivery. All these characteristics set us in the forefront in a constantly more frenetic context, marked by the need to reduce times in the realisation of boards and systems.
We feel ourselves able to offer distinguishing competences and to guarantee certainties and serenity.
And this is our engagement.
16 reasons to choose me
1. High breaking capacity (until 120 kA)
2. High capacity of cut-off current
3. Low values of power dissipation (more saving and less heating)
4. Constant characteristics at different temperatures
5. Constant I2t
6. Total security of the intervention
7. The spare fuse has exactly the same characteristics of the previous one, substituted after the intervention
8. Long reliability (high aging resistance)
9. Minimum overall dimensions
10. Fuses are fundamental to protect circuits even in presence of a switch
11. Standard intervention curves, in accordance with IEC 60269 standards
12. High quality of the used materials
13. No need for maintenance
14. Minimum cost
15. Environmental eco-friendly
16. Italweber service